I apologize for my lack of blog posts for the past two weeks. I've been busy with schoolwork and thus I haven't had much time to adequately gather the data necessary to keep you all up-to-date. I am trying to work gradually during the week to be able to make posts by Friday/Saturday but it's been a bit of a challenge when you have to also do blog posts for your Political Science course. So, as soon as I am able, I will make a blog regarding the upcoming Kid Icarus: Uprising game for the Nintendo 3DS and then I will do a follow-up blog regarding new details for Dragon Quest X Online: Rise Of The Five Tribes. Stay tuned folks!!!
This is a blog mostly centered on upcoming video games that I am interested in and it may evolve over time to feature my other interests as well, such as animé, manga, or movies. I typically enjoy RPGs, FPS, and some puzzle solving games. I am a connoisseur of many different games, but I update this blog rather infrequently, so please be aware. I try to post roughly once per month or more often, as time permits. The information I provide is accurate with cited sources.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
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9:34:00 PM
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Friday, January 6, 2012
A Third Dimension
The Animal Crossing series has been a phenomenal success ever since its debut title in 2001 for the Nintendo GameCube (U.S. release). Since then, two additional titles have been made, Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS handheld, and Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Nintendo Wii.
The game itself is a sort of life simulator with anthropomorphic animal critters as interactive neighbors. The original title was quaint and you start off on a train to some unknown destination. You meet a cool cat named Rover who decides to strike up a short conversation with you. (At this point, the player does not know what his or her avatar looks like as they player gets a first person view of everything in the cabin.) By answering certain questions the player's appearance is then determined. Unfortunately, sometimes to the dismay of the player...regardless, the train arrives in town and the player then meets Tom Nook, a tanuki or raccoon dog. He shows you some of the available houses and after the player chooses one to his or her liking, Tom Nook promptly asks for payment for the cramped living space. Ironically, the player can't pay the full amount initially and Tom Nook decides that to remedy the situation, he'll have to give the player a temporary job at his store. After completing all of the mundane tasks, Tom Nook decides that the player is no longer required to work for him and that they can pay him at their own discretion.
Now, Nintendo has recently unveiled a fourth title for the Nintendo 3DS which I can not wait to purchase. Seeing as how I only have one multiplayer game in my possession (Dead or Alive: Dimensions), and that being one that so few gamers in my area and network of friends possess, it is all the more reason for me to save up for this game, especially knowing of my previously favorable experiences with Animal Crossing.
I'm hoping that Nintendo will take full advantage of the Nintendo 3DS's capabilities. Namely, I would like to see the gyroscope used for, say, shooting down presents from balloons or perhaps the ability to take pictures of your friends and incorporate them as portraits or the ability to take in-game screenshots that can be saved to the SD card like in Animal Crossing: City Folk. Also, the Mii Mask would be a welcome return in my opinion. Ideally, I would like the option to trade patterns and/or store them to the SD card as well. The added space would be great considering that in Animal Crossing: City Folk, there was a glitch with the Able Sister's shop storage for patterns where the first page may be deleted randomly. There was an article about the incident in a Game Informer magazine if I'm not mistaken.
Another slight problem is trading items. Having to drop and pick up items is sort of irritating considering that another perhaps more obnoxious player could pick up the item and run off with it. It would be nice and convenient to have some sort of trading mechanic where players can designate what items go to which players. This isn't necessarily a problem considering that most items can be ordered via Tom Nook's catalog so long as the player had obtained the item previously, but it DOES become a problem when the item (or items) in question is/are rather valuable (in terms of bell cost).
There is no definitive name for the new Animal Crossing game as of yet. Nonetheless, one should note that there will be a multitude of changes to the traditional roles of the characters in the game. Most notably, Tortimer, the prominent mayor of all of the games up until this point, will no longer be the mayor in this iteration. In fact, the players themselves take on this role. Whether or not the tortoise will make an appearance is uncertain. In addition, it appears that Tom Nook now runs a real estate agency (according to Koji Takahashi, the Design Leader). Apparently, as mayor, the player can add certain public accommodations such as benches or street lamps. There is a brand new character to aid the player as well with their duties. A clumsy female canine secretary named Hisho. (As as side note, she's nicknamed "Shizu" by Mr. Takahashi). I suspect that he calls her that because she has the appearance of a Shih Tzu.)
I find this addition to be quite practical seeing as how Pelly was the daytime secretary of Tortimer in Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Another change, albeit perhaps a less shocking one, is the inclusion of the ability to alter the appearance of both shirts, pants, and shoes that the player wears. Coupled with this modification, the player avatars are much taller now, which leads me to believe that the development team is attempting to appeal to a much broader audience seeing as how even older, veteran gamers enjoy this game as well.
I'm curious to learn how to make my own furniture seeing as how it was also mentioned that this is a possibility as well. The option to change the aesthetic appearance of already existing pieces is nice, but I worry that the feature may not be a fully-fledged furniture creator.
Also, being able to create model homes that can be swapped via StreetPass seems to be somewhat interesting as far as player connectivity is concerned.
I'm overjoyed that there is a train station in this installment as well as a shopping mall. I wonder if Phineas the sea lion will make a return appearance seeing as how he was in the city near a boutique giving away balloons and pinwheels in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
There was an article featured in Nintendo Power magazine (Vol. 270 August 2011) by Chris Slate. Unfortunately, it wasn't as informative as I had hoped. There was no mention of Hisho whatsoever. In addition, the information that was provided was minuscule at best which is odd considering that they could've at least made some inferences based upon the teaser trailer from E3.
From what I saw in the June 2011 E3 trailer, (approximately 25 seconds into the video) there appears to be a wooden frame beehive (there were flowers placed all around the structure and it looks similar to real-life Langstroth beehives).
When this game will finally arrive on store shelves remains a mystery.
Slate, Chris. "Animal Crossing*: Get Ready to Move into a Whole New Neighborhood." Nintendo Power Aug. 2011: 59.Print
The game itself is a sort of life simulator with anthropomorphic animal critters as interactive neighbors. The original title was quaint and you start off on a train to some unknown destination. You meet a cool cat named Rover who decides to strike up a short conversation with you. (At this point, the player does not know what his or her avatar looks like as they player gets a first person view of everything in the cabin.) By answering certain questions the player's appearance is then determined. Unfortunately, sometimes to the dismay of the player...regardless, the train arrives in town and the player then meets Tom Nook, a tanuki or raccoon dog. He shows you some of the available houses and after the player chooses one to his or her liking, Tom Nook promptly asks for payment for the cramped living space. Ironically, the player can't pay the full amount initially and Tom Nook decides that to remedy the situation, he'll have to give the player a temporary job at his store. After completing all of the mundane tasks, Tom Nook decides that the player is no longer required to work for him and that they can pay him at their own discretion.
Now, at this point, most people might think to completely disregard their debt and do as they see fit. However the house is, as I've stated before, very cramped. Thus, if the player wants to expand their home, they must complete payments by selling fruit, fish, fossils, et cetera to Tom Nook for bells (the currency used in town). This is essentially the premise of the game. However, because of its lax nature, the player has quite a lot of freedom. Players can develop strong bonds with their animal friends and collect a wide assortment of items and furniture. There's a museum, police station (with a lost-and-found which can be used to claim multiple items without repercussions), and a vast ocean to fish. There are insects and seashells to collect as well. Once the player expands their house to maximum capacity and pays off all of their debt, Tom Nook congratulates the player and erects a statue of them in gold. (In later versions, the mayor allows the player to have a flagpole next to their home and create a personalized flag).
The game has quite a lot for a player to do. I would most definitely argue that this game is a casual experience and can be picked up and played at any time. In recent installments to the series, a multi-player aspect has been introduced, albeit with a requirement that each player own their own individual copies of the game and their own respective devices.
As an avid gamer (and one that just so happens to own all three titles), I have to say that, thus far, my favorite has to be the original simply because it was such a uniquely revolutionary experience. Even the advertisements for the game were enticing. The cozy atmosphere and relaxing music only add to the depth of the whole virtual world.
On a separate note, I feel that the crown jewel of the franchise is the ability to make pixelated patterns at the Able Sisters workshop. You can use these custom-made patterns to make shirts, billboards (in the original game), and umbrellas. The level of customization allows anyone to become an artist and there are multiple palettes to choose from. One can compare the system to a color-by-number canvas. There are even websites dedicated to converting pictures of just about anything one desires, into pixelated forms that can be manually transferred into the game by following a numerical setup. Some really talented people make elegant murals from multiple patterns and sell each "piece" for a profit (in bells). My only qualm is that in nearly every iteration, the palettes are changed or (in some cases) removed, so one may not be able to make an exact replica of a pattern that they had in a previous version. Colors my be too bright, dark, or nonexistent. I would like to see a much more unified and standardized palette set.
As an avid gamer (and one that just so happens to own all three titles), I have to say that, thus far, my favorite has to be the original simply because it was such a uniquely revolutionary experience. Even the advertisements for the game were enticing. The cozy atmosphere and relaxing music only add to the depth of the whole virtual world.
On a separate note, I feel that the crown jewel of the franchise is the ability to make pixelated patterns at the Able Sisters workshop. You can use these custom-made patterns to make shirts, billboards (in the original game), and umbrellas. The level of customization allows anyone to become an artist and there are multiple palettes to choose from. One can compare the system to a color-by-number canvas. There are even websites dedicated to converting pictures of just about anything one desires, into pixelated forms that can be manually transferred into the game by following a numerical setup. Some really talented people make elegant murals from multiple patterns and sell each "piece" for a profit (in bells). My only qualm is that in nearly every iteration, the palettes are changed or (in some cases) removed, so one may not be able to make an exact replica of a pattern that they had in a previous version. Colors my be too bright, dark, or nonexistent. I would like to see a much more unified and standardized palette set.
Now, Nintendo has recently unveiled a fourth title for the Nintendo 3DS which I can not wait to purchase. Seeing as how I only have one multiplayer game in my possession (Dead or Alive: Dimensions), and that being one that so few gamers in my area and network of friends possess, it is all the more reason for me to save up for this game, especially knowing of my previously favorable experiences with Animal Crossing.
I'm hoping that Nintendo will take full advantage of the Nintendo 3DS's capabilities. Namely, I would like to see the gyroscope used for, say, shooting down presents from balloons or perhaps the ability to take pictures of your friends and incorporate them as portraits or the ability to take in-game screenshots that can be saved to the SD card like in Animal Crossing: City Folk. Also, the Mii Mask would be a welcome return in my opinion. Ideally, I would like the option to trade patterns and/or store them to the SD card as well. The added space would be great considering that in Animal Crossing: City Folk, there was a glitch with the Able Sister's shop storage for patterns where the first page may be deleted randomly. There was an article about the incident in a Game Informer magazine if I'm not mistaken.
Another slight problem is trading items. Having to drop and pick up items is sort of irritating considering that another perhaps more obnoxious player could pick up the item and run off with it. It would be nice and convenient to have some sort of trading mechanic where players can designate what items go to which players. This isn't necessarily a problem considering that most items can be ordered via Tom Nook's catalog so long as the player had obtained the item previously, but it DOES become a problem when the item (or items) in question is/are rather valuable (in terms of bell cost).
I find this addition to be quite practical seeing as how Pelly was the daytime secretary of Tortimer in Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Another change, albeit perhaps a less shocking one, is the inclusion of the ability to alter the appearance of both shirts, pants, and shoes that the player wears. Coupled with this modification, the player avatars are much taller now, which leads me to believe that the development team is attempting to appeal to a much broader audience seeing as how even older, veteran gamers enjoy this game as well.
I'm curious to learn how to make my own furniture seeing as how it was also mentioned that this is a possibility as well. The option to change the aesthetic appearance of already existing pieces is nice, but I worry that the feature may not be a fully-fledged furniture creator.
Also, being able to create model homes that can be swapped via StreetPass seems to be somewhat interesting as far as player connectivity is concerned.
I'm overjoyed that there is a train station in this installment as well as a shopping mall. I wonder if Phineas the sea lion will make a return appearance seeing as how he was in the city near a boutique giving away balloons and pinwheels in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
There was an article featured in Nintendo Power magazine (Vol. 270 August 2011) by Chris Slate. Unfortunately, it wasn't as informative as I had hoped. There was no mention of Hisho whatsoever. In addition, the information that was provided was minuscule at best which is odd considering that they could've at least made some inferences based upon the teaser trailer from E3.
From what I saw in the June 2011 E3 trailer, (approximately 25 seconds into the video) there appears to be a wooden frame beehive (there were flowers placed all around the structure and it looks similar to real-life Langstroth beehives).
When this game will finally arrive on store shelves remains a mystery.
E3 2011 Trailer -- Property of Nintendo
Video is property of The1UPNetwork.
Slate, Chris. "Animal Crossing*: Get Ready to Move into a Whole New Neighborhood." Nintendo Power Aug. 2011: 59.Print
Posted by
7:34:00 PM
A Third Dimension
Animal Crossing|Nintendo 3DS|Nintendo GameCube|
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Animal Crossing,
Nintendo 3DS,
Nintendo GameCube
Sunday, January 1, 2012
On a Quest for the New Year
Dragon Quest X Online: Rise Of The Five Tribes is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) for the Nintendo Wii and Wii U consoles. I am eagerly anticipating the release of this title. This is in part due to my previously favorable experience with Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for the Nintendo DS. (There is, as of yet, no U.S. released date scheduled. The game should be out in Japan sometime in 2012). For those of you that are unaware, the series doesn't really have a linear timeline. (You don't have to play the games in order for you to understand the story. From my understanding, each game has it's own unique, separate tale.)
In any case, in the October 2011 issue of Nintendo Power Magazine (Vol. 272) it was stated that the game was announced in 2008 by Yuji Horii. There was a long period of silence however and not much was really known about the title until a September 5, 2011 conference in which Mr. Horii officially revealed that Dragon Quest X Online: Rise Of The Five Tribes would be an MMORPG that would not only be expansive but very plot driven (pg. 24, Vol. 272). (A common fear of most veterans of the Dragon Quest franchise would be that the online story would be lackluster and unimaginative, an unfortunately common trait of most online RPGs). According to Casey Loe, the author of the article, the game itself "will be constantly shaped by the actions of other players, and an Internet connection would be required to play." She also mentioned that a monthly fee may also be a possible prerequisite for play. As far as the gameplay mechanics are concerned, apparently players will have the option of joining friends online in quests or adventuring solo with AI (artificial intelligence) controlled computer characters. Apparently, the game's structure will be similar to that of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies as it will retain the ability to change vocations (at special shrine locations) and use skill points (pg. 18, Vol. 273).
In the follow-up article by Casey Loe, details regarding the main storyline were unveiled. Specifically, players will be able to chose from among five different races (hence the title), such as the "sprite-like" Pukuripo, Wedies (aquatic "music-loving" creatures), woodland elves, ogres, and lofty dwarves. Humans are not made initially available "as the human populated continent has been sealed away by the game's villain and it's up to the other races to liberate it." (pg. 18, Vol. 273). Based upon screenshots of each of the races and Casey Loe's description, one could make the claim that the Wedie race are comparable to that of the Zora in The Legend of Zelda universe in that both have many similarities between them (i.e. both are blue skinned aquatic races, both like music, and both have fin-like protrusions, etc.).
Finally, according to the previous article, the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X will come with "enhanced features" (pg. 24, Vol. 272).
My only concern with this upcoming game (beyond the possibility of a monthly online fee) is that the Wii version of the game may lag frequently and use up too much bandwidth. I'm hoping that my fears will be assuaged as more information is released.
Keep an eye out for this title! Also, please enjoy your New Year's celebration in moderation.
1.) Loe, Casey. "A Quest of Millions." Nintendo Power Oct. 2011: 24. Print
2.) Loe, Casey. "The Dragon's Hoard" Nintendo Power Nov. 2011: 18. Print
In any case, in the October 2011 issue of Nintendo Power Magazine (Vol. 272) it was stated that the game was announced in 2008 by Yuji Horii. There was a long period of silence however and not much was really known about the title until a September 5, 2011 conference in which Mr. Horii officially revealed that Dragon Quest X Online: Rise Of The Five Tribes would be an MMORPG that would not only be expansive but very plot driven (pg. 24, Vol. 272). (A common fear of most veterans of the Dragon Quest franchise would be that the online story would be lackluster and unimaginative, an unfortunately common trait of most online RPGs). According to Casey Loe, the author of the article, the game itself "will be constantly shaped by the actions of other players, and an Internet connection would be required to play." She also mentioned that a monthly fee may also be a possible prerequisite for play. As far as the gameplay mechanics are concerned, apparently players will have the option of joining friends online in quests or adventuring solo with AI (artificial intelligence) controlled computer characters. Apparently, the game's structure will be similar to that of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies as it will retain the ability to change vocations (at special shrine locations) and use skill points (pg. 18, Vol. 273).
In the follow-up article by Casey Loe, details regarding the main storyline were unveiled. Specifically, players will be able to chose from among five different races (hence the title), such as the "sprite-like" Pukuripo, Wedies (aquatic "music-loving" creatures), woodland elves, ogres, and lofty dwarves. Humans are not made initially available "as the human populated continent has been sealed away by the game's villain and it's up to the other races to liberate it." (pg. 18, Vol. 273). Based upon screenshots of each of the races and Casey Loe's description, one could make the claim that the Wedie race are comparable to that of the Zora in The Legend of Zelda universe in that both have many similarities between them (i.e. both are blue skinned aquatic races, both like music, and both have fin-like protrusions, etc.).
Finally, according to the previous article, the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X will come with "enhanced features" (pg. 24, Vol. 272).
My only concern with this upcoming game (beyond the possibility of a monthly online fee) is that the Wii version of the game may lag frequently and use up too much bandwidth. I'm hoping that my fears will be assuaged as more information is released.
Keep an eye out for this title! Also, please enjoy your New Year's celebration in moderation.
This image is property of IGN (Imagine Games Network). |
This image is property of IGN (Imagine Games Network). From left to right: Pukuripo, Elven, Ogre, Wedie, Dwarf |
1.) Loe, Casey. "A Quest of Millions." Nintendo Power Oct. 2011: 24. Print
2.) Loe, Casey. "The Dragon's Hoard" Nintendo Power Nov. 2011: 18. Print
Posted by
2:01:00 AM
On a Quest for the New Year
Dragon Quest IX|Dragon Quest X|ドラゴンクエストX 目覚めし五つの種族 オンライン|
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