Hey folks!!! How've you been? Busy? Yep, me too (as evident by me not posting in quite some time...sorry, everyone!!! I'll get into a routine...eventually). So, first things first, hats off to the amazing folks at WayForward. Their team has managed to get their current project, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero fully funded!!! Congratulations!!!
This image has been borrowed from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero's Kickstarter campaign. Check it out!!! |
For those of you that don't know, a Kickstarter fund was set up for the pint-sized genie girl's new game in the franchise. You can continue to donate to make their stretch goals
here. As of this blog post, they have 10,275 backers and $408,741 pledged of their $400,000 goal with 10 days left.
They have a really cool ninja outfit and another one that resembles that which the protagonist of Mighty Switch Force, Patricia Wagon, wears!!!
This is just one of the many stretch goals that the WayForward team is trying to reach. It's add-ons like these that bring a nice polish to a finished title. How about lending them a hand, hmm? |
Shantae's current design looks adorable and although I've never had the pleasure of playing
ANY of her previous titles, I
DO intend to make a contribution to WayForward's efforts however small. I support WayForward particularly due to the heavy influence of Jake Kaufman's musical compositions. Some of his work is available with a "name your own price" tag on www.bandcamp.com (which I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at and contribute towards).