So, in an attempt to increase the knowledge of those American or English speaking European posters on the Miiverse Dragon Quest X Community page, I decided to post a few links to this blog. Unfortunately, this is an apparent violation of the terms of service. Thus, I've been banned from making posts for a while.
"Miiverse Administration: You have been temporarily banned from writing messages or community posts for two weeks due to your violation of the Miiverse Code of Conduct. If you continue to violate the Miiverse Code of Conduct, you may be permanently banned from writing messages or community posts." Ironically, one of the reasons that I was banned was because Nintendo claims that:"Your posts have been removed because they contained information related to an outside service (such as a username or ID) or links to external websites that could be used to contact you directly. The sharing of personal information is prohibited by the Miiverse Code of Conduct. For information on the proper use of Miiverse, please see the Miiverse Code of Conduct. Continued violations may result in restrictions of your Miiverse account."
First and foremost, I've deliberately setup my account here on Blogger/Blogspot so that you may NOT contact me directly. This is not only my own personal preference, but a safety precaution on my own part. There are no provided e-mail addresses, no private message options, or any indication of my location or telephone numbers outside of the database that Google keeps tract of for establishing an account with them. In addition, all posts are clearly visible to third parties (thus eliminating private conversations and any potential child predator action) I have created this blog as a public forum for all ages and I intend to keep it that way. Secondly, my username is no different from the one I use on Miiverse so that argument is invalid.
I don't think Nintendo realizes how the internet works...You can take snapshots of Miiverse posts from PCs...I'm fairly certain you can do the same thing on a few smartphones as well... |
Finally, the Miiverse can now be accessed by PCs and Smartphone devices, thus making it even more susceptible to watchful eyes. I'm fairly certain that people would "blow the whistle" or "raise a red flag" if they suspected a child predator of making a move. If anything, I'm rather surprised that Nintendo was able to notice my actions so quickly on the Japanese Miiverse boards. Kudos to the response time, boo to the response. I understand that Nintendo doesn't necessarily have the time nor the resources to look into every little URL that comes across the Miiverse, and that it would be impractical to run checks on all of them, but honestly? That should not limited them from at least looking into providing alternative solutions for passionate gamers that want to share their knowledge without that restrictive 100 character posting limit.
So, in the two weeks time, I probably won't be posting anything of the Miiverse, but worry not, I'll be posting away soon enough. I'm going to study for my final exams in the meantime and formulate a plan to work around this restriction on posting links. I find it absolutely ludicrous. My intentions are pure and I'm not trying to solicit anything.
Alternatively, people are just going to end up saying "Google this:___________" or Look up: "themulti-classinggamer.blogspot" (Which I did two hours ago and the post is still up). So it sort of defeats the purpose there...What's even more interesting is that although I can't sign in on a PC or smartphone at the moment, I can still access the Miiverse on my Wii U gamepad and view posts, I just can't comment or "Yeah" any of them...which doesn't seem like much of a sanction/punishment in my book...but considering my predicament, I'm not complaining...much. I intend to inform those that are interested of the amazing games that are abroad, regardless of Nintendo's ridiculously excessive and paternalistic policy. People need to know what they're missing out on. I intend to inform them.
Overall, I truly do enjoy the Miiverse community and the artistic talents of many of my fellow gamers. I'm pleased when others ask questions about upcoming titles and I love to respond with my knowledge and expertise. I'm even content with the anti-spoiler options set in place (although they are a bit of a nuisance at times...especially for the Virtual Console games you've already played...they need a "Set Default" option for all of the communities.)
I'd rather not resort to writing or calling the Miiverse staff, but if I get permanently banned for this issue, I will file formal complaints.